What Client Saw ?

"…within 3 months’ time the return on investment (ROI) was there."

– Sahin Atila Ozkan (MSc, PMP), Managing Director at PMO, Istanbul, Turkey

"Robert (FinishLine President) and his team were very willing to help us customize anytime we asked."

– Larry Stone Quality Lead (AIA), UW Health at The American Center, J.H. Findorff & Son Inc., Madison, Wisconsin

“What amazed me was how easy it is to customize the product. Changes could be made even after the system was in use. The availability

– Brandon Fujimura Benjamin Woo Architects, Honolulu, Hawaii

“Overall, FinishLine speeds up the project because we are not lagging behind at the end, To have this system in place as a quality-control process

– Lee Grawcock Project Manager, Worthington Industries, Texas